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Collection of Paulinian Stories

Paulinian Stories

Reminiscences of Prominent Paulinians

Interview cum Networking Sessions for some Paulinian Stories

 "We have collected stories from over a hundred Paulinians! Thank you for all the support!"



The contributors voluntarily submitted, or consent to the content of, the article(s) relating to themselves; and consent to the publishing, extracting, posting and otherwise use of the articles relating to themselves and their photos on SPCS website and publications. The information and views set out in the articles are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of SPCS. Neither SPCS, nor any person acting on behalf of SPCS, may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information and photos contained in the articles posted on SPCS website and publications; or for the completeness or accuracy of any of the information contained on or accessed through this website/publication; and make any representation about the suitability of content in this website/publication for any particular purpose.

 St. Paul's Convent School

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