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Call for Submission


Once a Paulinian, Forever a Paulinian!


Share with us your precious memories of the sweet days you spent at our beloved school –  whether they bring back tears or laughter, we would love to hear from you.


Share your experience by writing an article, a poem or drawing a picture – whatever takes your fancy. Send it to us now! Selected entries will  be posted on our 160th Anniversary website. Submissions received before 30 November 2014 may be featured in our 160th Anniversary publication.

“Sweet are the days of girlhood, when friends we love and care.”
(From the school hymn)

Dear Paulinians, tell us your stories as we celebrate the 160th Anniversary of St. Paul’s Convent School.


       You could let us know:

  • when you attended SPCS

  • what school life at SPCS was like then

  • what impact SPCS has had on your life

  • which memory of the school you cherish the most

  • what you consider to be the legacy of SPCS for you / the community

  • what message  you would like to convey to Paulinians today



Share with us your thoughts about our beloved School.

Interview cum Networking Sessions for some Paulinian Stories

Submission Guidelines:


1.English /Chinese/French may be used to write an essay.


2.There is no limitation regarding genre.


3.There is no limitation regarding the number of words. The publication team reserves the right to edit and categorize the submission for printed publication..


4.Essays must be submitted in one of the following formats:  .txt, .rtf, .doc or .docx.


5.Pictures, drawings or photos must be submitted in digital format and must be at least 250 pixels wide and 250 pixels in height.


6.The file size of any submission should not exceed 15MB.


7.Only works that have not been previously published can be submitted.


8.Please send your submission to

 St. Paul's Convent School

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